[ Excel shortcut keys ]
Shortcut Keys | Desctiption |
Ctrl + Shift + ^ | 소수 두자리 지수 숫자 서식 적용 |
Ctrl + Shift + p | 글꼴 크기 변경 |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | 대화상자 이전 탭트올 전환 |
Ctrl + Shift +F6 | 이전 통합문서로 |
Ctrl + Enter | 선택한 범위 현재 항목으로 |
Ctrl + Page Down | 다음 워크시트로 |
Ctrl + SpaceBar | 열 전체 선택 |
Ctrl + Tab | 다음 창으로 |
Ctrl + Page Up | 이전 워크시트로 |
Ctrl + → | 오른쪽 한 단어 이동 |
Ctrl + ↓ | 아래 한 단락 이동 |
Ctrl + ← | 왼쪽 한 단어 이동 |
Ctrl + ↑ | 위로 한 단락 이동 |
Ctrl + End 텍스트 | 상자 끝으로 이동, 문서의 끝으로 이동 |
Ctrl + Home 텍스트 | 상자 처음으로 이동, 문서의 처음으로 이동 |
Ctrl + Shift + # | 년, 월, 일로 날짜 서식 적용 |
Ctrl + Shift + $ | 소수 두자리 통화 서식 적용 |
Ctrl + Shift + % | 소수 자릿수없이 백분율 서식 적용 |
Ctrl + Shift + & | 선택한 셀에 윤곽선 테두리를 적용 |
Ctrl + Shift + ( | 선택 영역 안 숨겨진 행 숨김 모두 취소 |
Ctrl + Shift + ) | 선택 영역 안 숨겨진 열 숨김 모두 취소 |
Ctrl + Shift + * | 피벗 테이블에서 전체 테이블 보고서 선택 |
Ctrl + Shift + : | 현재시간 입력 |
Ctrl + Shift + @ | 시간, 분, AM/PM 시간서식 적용 |
Ctrl + F3 | 이름 정의 |
Ctrl + F4 | 창 닫기 |
Ctrl + Tab | 다음 창으로 전환 |
Alt + Shift + Tab | 이전 창으로 전환 |
Alt + 백스페이스 | 키 실행 취소 |
Ctrl + F8 | 창 크기 조절 |
Ctrl + F9 | 창 최소화 |
Ctrl + F10 | 창 최대화, 복원 |
Ctrl + F11 | 새 매크로시트 |
Ctrl + F12 | 열기 |
Ctrl + 0 | 선택한 영역 숨김 |
Ctrl + 1 | 셀 서식 |
Ctrl + A | 모두선택 |
Ctrl + B | 굵게 |
Ctrl + C | 복사 |
Ctrl + D | 위 셀 복사 붙여넣기 |
Ctrl + E | 통합문서 받기 |
Ctrl + F | 찾기 |
Ctrl + G | 이동 |
Ctrl + H | 바꾸기 |
Ctrl + I | 기울임 글자 |
Ctrl + K | 하이퍼링크 삽입 |
Ctrl + N | 새 통합문서 만들기 |
Ctrl + O | 통합문서 열기 |
Ctrl + P | 인쇄 |
Ctrl + R | 왼쪽 셀 복사 붙여넣기 |
Ctrl + S | 저장 |
Ctrl + T | 표 만들기 대화상자를 표시 |
Ctrl + U | 밑줄 |
Ctrl + V | 붙여넣기 |
Ctrl + W | 창 닫기 |
Ctrl + X | 잘라내기 |
Ctrl + Y | 마지막 작업 반복 |
Ctrl + Z | 실행 취소 |
Alt + F1 | 차트 삽입 |
Alt + F2 | 다른 이름으로 저장 |
Alt + F4 | 끝내기 |
Alt + F11 | VB에디터 |
Alt + D | 데이터 메뉴 |
Alt + E | 편집 메뉴 |
Alt + F | 파일 메뉴 |
Alt + H | 도움말 메뉴 |
Alt + I | 삽입 메뉴 |
Alt + O | 서식 메뉴 |
Alt + T | 도구 메뉴 |
Alt + W | 창 메뉴 |
Alt + 1 | 선택한 드롭 다운 목록 열기 |
Alt + 클릭 리서치 | 작업창 열기 |
Shift + F1 | 설명 |
Shift + F2 | 메모 편집 |
Shift + F3 | 함수 마법사 |
Shift + F4 | 다음 찾기 |
Shift + F5 | 찾기 |
Shift + F6 | 이전 창틀로 |
Shift + F8 | 추가 선택 |
Shift + F9 | 시트 재계산 |
Shift + F10 | 바로가기 메뉴 |
Shift + F11 | 새 시트 삽입 |
Shift + 방향키 | Data 선택 |
Shift + Enter | 입력 |
Shift + SpaceBar | 행 전체 선택 |
Shift + Tab | 이전으로 이동 |
Shift + End | 포인터 ~ 해당 항목 끝까지 선택 |
Shift + Home | 포인터 ~ 해당 항목 처음까지 선택 |
F1 | 도움말 |
F2 | 편집 상태 |
F3 | 이름 붙여넣기 |
F4 | 마지막 작업 반복 |
F5 | 이동 |
F6 | 다음 창틀로 이동 |
F7 | 맞춤법 검사 |
F8 | 확장 선택 |
F9 | 모두 계산 |
F10 | 메뉴 활성화 |
F11 | 새 차트 삽입 |
F12 | 다른 이름으로 저장 |
Shortcut Keys | Desctiption |
Ctrl+A | Select all contents of a worksheet. |
Ctrl+B | Bold all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+C | Copy all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+D | Fill
down. Fills the cell beneath with the contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Down to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+D to fill them with the contents of the original cell. |
Ctrl+F | Search current sheet. |
Ctrl+G | Go to a certain area. |
Ctrl+H | Find and replace. |
Ctrl+I | Puts italics on all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+K | Inserts a hyperlink. |
Ctrl+N | Creates a new workbook. |
Ctrl+O | Opens a workbook. |
Ctrl+P | Print the current sheet. |
Ctrl+R | Fill
right. Fills the cell to the right with contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Right to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+R to fill them with the contents of the original cell. |
Ctrl+S | Saves the open worksheet. |
Ctrl+U | Underlines all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+V | Pastes everything copied onto the clipboard. |
Ctrl+W | Closes the current workbook. |
Ctrl+X | Cuts all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+Y | Repeats the last entry. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the last action. |
Ctrl+1 | Changes the format of the selected cells. |
Ctrl+2 | Bolds all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+3 | Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+4 | Underlines all cells in highlighted section. |
Ctrl+5 | Puts a strikethrough all
cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+6 | Shows or hides objects. |
Ctrl+7 | Shows or hides the toolbar. |
Ctrl+8 | Toggles the outline symbols. |
Ctrl+9 | Hides rows. |
Ctrl+0 | Hides columns. |
Ctrl+Shift+: | Enters the current time. |
Ctrl+; | Enters the current date. |
Ctrl+` | Changes
between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet. |
Ctrl+' | Copies a formula from the cell above. |
Ctrl+Shift+" | Copies value from cell above. |
Ctrl+- | Deletes the selected column or row. |
Ctrl+Shift+= | Inserts a new column or row. |
Ctrl+Shift+~ | Switches
between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. |
Ctrl+Shift+@ | Applies time formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+! | Applies comma formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+$ | Applies currency formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+# | Applies date formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+% | Applies percentage formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+^ | Applies exponential formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+* | Selects the current region around the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+& | Places border around selected cells. |
Ctrl+Shift+_ | Removes a border. |
Ctrl++ | Insert. |
Ctrl+- | Delete. |
Ctrl+Shift+( | Unhide rows. |
Ctrl+Shift+) | Unhide columns. |
Ctrl+/ | Selects the array containing the active cell. |
Ctrl+\ | Selects
the cells that have a static value or don’t match the formula in the active cell. |
Ctrl+[ | Selects
all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+] | Selects
cells that contain formulas that reference the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+{ | Selects
all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+Shift+} | Selects
cells which contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+| (pipe) | Selects
the cells within a column that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell. |
Ctrl+Enter | Fills the selected cells with the current entry. |
Ctrl+Spacebar | Selects the entire column. |
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar | Selects the entire worksheet. |
Ctrl+Home | Move to cell A1. |
Ctrl+End | Move to last cell on worksheet. |
Ctrl+Tab | Move between Two or more open Excel files. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Activates the previous workbook. |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Inserts argument names into a formula. |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Opens the drop-down menu for fonts. |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Selects all of the cells that contain comments. |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Opens the drop-down menu for point size. |
Shift+Insert | Pastes what is stored on the clipboard. |
Shift+Page Up | In a
single column, highlights all cells above that are selected. |
Shift+Page Down | In a
single column, highlights all cells above that are selected. |
Shift+Home | Highlights all text to the left of the cursor. |
Shift+End | Highlights all text to the right of the cursor. |
Shift+Up Arrow | Extends the highlighted area up one cell. |
Shift+Down Arrow | Extends the highlighted area down one cell. |
Shift+Left Arrow | Extends the highlighted area left one character. |
Shift +Right Arrow | Extends the highlighted area right one character. |
Alt+Tab | Cycles through applications. |
Alt+Spacebar | Opens the system menu. |
Alt+Backspace | Undo. |
Alt+Enter | While
typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell. |
Alt+= | Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells. |
Alt+' | Allows formatting on a dialog box. |
F1 | Opens the help menu. |
F2 | Edits the selected cell. |
F3 | After
a name has been
created, F3 will paste names. |
F4 | Repeats
last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color. |
F5 | Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6. |
F6 | Move to the next pane. |
F7 | Spell check selected text or document. |
F8 | Enters Extend Mode. |
F9 | Recalculates every workbook. |
F10 | Activates the menu bar. |
F11 | Creates a chart from selected data. |
F12 | Save As option. |
Shift+F1 | Opens the "What's This?" window. |
Shift+F2 | Allows the user to edit a cell comment. |
Shift+F3 | Opens the Excel formula window. |
Shift+F5 | Brings up a search box. |
Shift+F6 | Move to previous pane. |
Shift+F8 | Add to selection. |
Shift+F9 | Performs calculate function on active sheet. |
Ctrl+F3 | Open Excel Name Manager. |
Ctrl+F4 | Closes current Window. |
Ctrl+F5 | Restores window size. |
Ctrl+F6 | Next workbook. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Previous workbook. |
Ctrl+F7 | Moves the window. |
Ctrl+F8 | Resizes the window. |
Ctrl+F9 | Minimize current window. |
Ctrl+F10 | Maximize currently selected window. |
Ctrl+F11 | Inserts a macro sheet. |
Ctrl+F12 | Opens a file. |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 | Creates
names by using those of either row or column labels. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Moves to the previous worksheet window. |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | Prints the current worksheet. |
Alt+F1 | Inserts a chart. |
Alt+F2 | Save As option. |
Alt+F4 | Exits Excel. |
Alt+F8 | Opens the macro dialog box. |
Alt+F11 | Opens the Visual Basic editor. |
Alt+Shift+F1 | Creates a new worksheet. |
Alt+Shift+F2 | Saves the current worksheet. |
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